It's time to introduce
Aiming for a sustainable future 100 years from now
Our mission as entrepreneurs is to reuse limited resources and protect a sustainable society and the global environment.
What is a Fire extinguishing sticker
A safe fire extinguishing agent that does not affect the environment and the human body is in a microcapsule derived from nature and coated with special silicon.This sticker occurs at outlets, distribution boards, etc. That can instantly extinguish the initial fire It is the first product in JPN. P18ー110 1PATPEND
What's is STERILA
As a proposal-based company, SAIKYO is working day and night to develop new products.This product has been studied, researched and developed since 2020 to find out if there is any effective means against CO-VD19 virus infection, which is now a problem.Introducing new products.There are many sterilization products that use deep UV lighting technology to remove viruses and ozone generators, but they are all harmful to the human body. That's why I came up with a product that can sterilize and eliminate viruses with the lighting that you always use every day.In addition, although it is still under development, we have finally been able to proceed to the test and experiment stage and succeeded in confirming its effect. In the future, we have come to the point of how to balance the function as lighting and the sterilization effect.
SAIKYO development solution
Seamless User Experience
We work hard day and night to solve all kinds of problems, and we work together with group companies to find possible solutions.
Continue further development
We have created a new product as a fire extinguishing cloth by uniformly applying microcapsules to cloth. It is useful for various battery fires that occur in daily life, oil fires in the kitchen, etc.
Latest technology
STRILA® was completed over two years after thoroughly pursuing virus inactivation and sterilization using general lighting. Take a look at the overwhelming technology.